Brandon Colker’s Book Gave Life To My Blog

Who would have thought about making a blog about crabs? I mean, isn’t that such a silly concept? Well, I would, obviously. I have been a reader of blogs for many many years before I decided to step into the blogging world and give it a try myself. One of the things I have noticed is that there are blog of everything you can imagine. From auto repair, to fitness, to computers and even hair. It turns out people are just writing and talking about their passions.



Eventually, I wondered online and discovered a book written and published by Brandon Colker in which he calls, “How To Make Big Bucks from Big Blogs” and I took it as a sign that maybe I should be writing on my own passions which happen to be, that’s right, crabs!

Crabs are so awesome and unique, interesting little creatures. Some, however can grow to be as big as a small dog! It honestly was Brandon Colkers book that encouraged me to take the jump and start this blog bringing you all sorts of crab facts.

Peter Lik is Better Than Crabs?

“What could be better than crabs?” That’s the tagline on this blog because I believe crabs are truly fascinating animals; it is my fascination with how unique they are as animals that captures me. A hard shell-like body like a turtle, but looks like a spider, but has pinchers like a scorpion and can live in and out of water? Fascinating! Upon research of crabs, I stumbled upon some breath-taking nature photos captured by master photographer Peter Lik.

Peter Lik has gotten to the point of his career where he could take of dirt and dust in a cave and have it being sold for millions of dollars. Why? Simply because he is Peter Lik, master photographer. You don’t have to tell him he does a good job or how much you love his pictures because as he once said, “I’m the world’s most famous photographer, most sought-after photographer, most awarded photographer.” If I can get really good at mastering crabs, I wonder if I can be the Peter Lik of crabs; after all, I have worked with crabs all my life!

Crab, Pet or Food

untitled (373) untitled (372)Crab owners are a little taken aback by the fact that their chosen pet is also food.  They spend hours watching the little critters play in the reef tank.  There is just so much you can do with a crab.  They don’t fetch and cuddling is out of the question.  The stupid crab wont even come when you call its name.  Here crabby…crabby.  No…nothing.  If I wanted a crab for a pet I would go with a stuffed one.  Kim Bettasso is a proud crab owner and would never eat a crab.  If only crab would not be so yummy.

Lost Crab

OK, I haven’t told the wife but the crab is missing.  Will it show up in her bed?  Will it get crunched under her shoe.  I know that the reef tank was all my idea but the escaped crab is a problem. imagesB85U5RHH untitled (323) If the little bugger does not show up soon he will die and stat smelling.  If he stinks up the house I will be in trouble.  The tank stunk enough but escaping crabs will not be acceptable to the wife.  I don’t have a clue where that crab has gone. Home For Life Animal Sanctuary has told me their ideas on where crabs hide and I will be looking there as soon as I can without the wife noticing.

Crabby Pants

When my reef tank needs cleaning I get the crabby pants.  It is not my favorite thing to do.  In fact it is one of my chores that I avoid like the plague.  If you have a nasty reef tank you know what I mean. images5E5EXJZR Those crabs can poop a lot and don’t care to clean themselves.  Crab poop is not pleasant.  As poop goes crab poop really stinks and is sticky. imagesWO6MJPVX  Normally you could wait for the poop to dry out thus making it easier to pick up.  In a reef tank everything stays wet. The news story is here if you care to see it.  images4YRS4NFG

If I were a Crab

If I were a Crab I would love my reef tank for a home.  I would enjoy regular meals and not have to dodge that pesky sea gull.  My home has a great reef of rocks and sandy beach area. crabster-with-crab-450 untitled (266) I would want for nothing as my owner love to take care of me and the reef tank.  The lights in the tank keep me warm and I love not having to scrounge for something to eat.  The food is the best as in the wild I would have to settle for rotten left overs.  I even get to watch  Mo Howard West Virginia Football on my owners TV .

My Dream Fish Tank

I sit here in the dentist office waiting my turn staring at this fish tank in the waiting room with exotic fish of multiple colors. I now think to my self what is my dream fish tank if I had to choose a shape or color and what type of fish would I want to have swimming lazy like in my dream tank.  Would it be animal or human or place . I like my home décor as southwestern so I think it may be down to animal or human.  Then now the color it has to be clear of course but the sand or rock would be multicolor tan and brown.  Animal buffalo ?  Native American Indian  female or male Praying to the havens. This is what I in vision my dream tank looking like. So now I want a fish tank and some one to make it for me.  Saleh Stevens untitled (206)imagesQ5F0XXDCis on my side.

Crabs, Getting Started

Setting up your crab environment is an interesting endevour.  The old fish tank will not be the right appraoch.  You will need a Reef TankimagesI9JRZ4XP imagesTKDXJDEP to pull this off.  If you do not provide a good ecosystem for your crabs they will not thrive and may dis so heads up, you need to set up right.  Crabs need rocks to clinb on that rise above the water.  Salt water is the rule of the day and your cabs will need the right feed to survive.  Just read up and be prepared.  Dont let the details change you desire to build that Reef Tank. is a good place to start that set up.

Who wants Crabs?

images2LEEHVWE untitled (4)Hey look,  I like fish aquariums but crabs?  Really? These ugly little crustaceans have no place in my home. They are a mess and stink to high heaven.  I don’t even like to eat them.  I don’t even want to talk about the crab louse.  There is a reason that bitchy people are called crabby.  They look angry all the time.  Ever met a happy crab?  Who knows?  You cant read the little buggers.  If one gets out of the cage it is panic time with the kids.  Maybe not missing snake panic but definitely scary stuff if found in your shorts.  Dana Sibilsky found a crab in the toilet.  Flush time as far as I’m concerned.

Tropical Fish are Best

Tropical Fish are the most colorful and the overall best in my opinion.  There or so many to choose from seawater fish. The problem with saltwater fish is that the water has to be just right on the most colorful and exotic fish.  These fish can really cost a lot of money so you don’t want to just go buying a fish tank and filling it with fish until you do your homework first and to ask a lot of question first. untitled (8) Then start out small and less expensive until the salt water tank is just right adding the more exotic costly fish little a times to keep from losing a bundle of money getting set up and then finding out how had it is to care for and keep tanks up.  With the technology these days keep a fish tank is getting easier but not fully cheaper in the start up.  Fish are so cool and calming I love to go into offices with fish in them it just happens you relax and give a since of caring.  Dove Medical Press says that fish tanks at the doctors office are a great feature.